The ongoing 2022 Ladies/Girls Guild Conference of the Anglican Diocese of Ogbaru took a unique turn today as our dear lord Bishop, The Rt. Rev’d Prosper A. Amah and his wife, Mrs Uche C. Amah (Mama Ogbaru) who is also the president of the guild, graced the occasion in a grand style. Odekpe archdeaconry members, especially the good people of Bethel Ang. Church, Odekpe gave the duo and their entourage a warm welcome.

In course of the event, mama Ogbaru in her Presidential Address charged the ladies and girls to maintain the life of purity by keeping their lives and bodies in honour to God. She further stressed the need for them to engage their hands meaningfully and never be sources of sorrow to their families, church and the society.

Futhermore, the Bishop and spiritual father of the diocese encouraged all and sundry in his speech to be sensitive to the demands of God in our time and never be left out in the divine scheme. He straitly charged all to flow with God and not with the world as men and the world systems are bound to fail and to disappoint but he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. In keeping with this, we shall be divinely preserved, provided for and positioned for eternal rewards.

The event culminated in exhibitions by the ladies and Girls of the diocese. Various creative and unique products were presented which were supervised by President of the Guild – Mama Ogbaru and the Bishop. The dumbfounding exhibits received episcopal applause and encouragement by the Bishop and his wife. The ecstasy raised in the spirits of the ladies/girls knew no bounds.

All in all, the event recorded a good turnout of the good people of Ogbaru. The workers of the diocese were equally present in their ranks and files.

Girls’ Guild….Show the light!

To God be The Glory.


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